Free Aceh Movement
Press Release
26 March 2021
The undeclared end of war between Holland and Aceh.
The Kingdom of Aceh on the northern tip of Sumatra has always been a very strong and influential sultanate in Southeast Asia since the world has known Aceh. The golden peak of Aceh was under the rule of Sultan Iskandar Muda in the 17th century where, the Kingdom of Aceh expanded its influence almost throughout the whole of Southeast Asia.
Aceh had strong diplomatic and trading relations with the international world, including the Kingdom of Holland way before the bloody colonial war broke out between the two nations. The Sultan of Aceh sent an Acehnese ambassador Tuanku Abdul Hamid, who died in Holland and was begraved at the church premise in Middlesburg, in the Netherlands.
On 26 March 1873, the Kingdom of Holland officially declared war upon the Kingdom of Aceh. The aftermath of this declaration was widely reported around the globe by international newspapers and even created debates in government parliaments both in Holland and Great Britain that had diplomatic relations with the Sultan of Aceh.
Today, after 148 years, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the loyal Acehnese community commemorate this historic and glorious day. The declaration of war is an official recognition of sovereignty and independence of Aceh. It was on this legal basis that GAM started their liberation struggle on 4 December 1976, whereby more than 30,000 innocent Acehenese and som 200 000 died during the tsunami. In the process, GAM and the Acehnese have always maintained our committment until today.
The catastrophe was a catalyst that started the peace talks between GAM and GoI that ended the 30 years armed conflict with the signing of the peace accord, The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed on 15 August 2005 in Helsinki, Finland. Since then, GAM has adhered and respect the MoU but unfortunately, most of the points agreed have not been fully implemented while some crucial points are still on paper. In fact new regulations have been passed to decapitate the MoU. Many Acehnese are losing their patience and confidence of the peace process.
The main issue of conflict in Aceh is political, a decolonization process that has never been done and the status of Aceh that was never part of the Netherlands East Indies. It is also the struggle for the right of determinantion of a decolonised people under international law.
We strongly believe and call upon the Kingdom of Netherlands, with the support of the international community, to sign an end to the Declaration of War upon Aceh, as has been praticed after the Second World War. Thus eternal peace and stability is maintained in Aceh and the region of Southeast Asia.
Bakhtiar Abdullah
GAM Spokesperson
Stockholm, Sweden
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